

Lists are a great way to present complex text in a way that's easy to scan.

Lists work best when they have two to seven items. Each item should be fairly short – the reader should be able to see at least two, and preferably three, list items at a glance. It’s OK to have a couple of short paragraphs in a list item, but don’t exceed that length too often.

Make items in a list parallel. For example, each item should be a noun or a phrase that starts with a verb.

Bulleted lists

Use a bulleted list for things that have something in common but don’t need to appear in a particular order. Capitalize the first letter of each item. Unless each bullet is written in complete sentences, omit periods. If one bullet in a series requires a period, use a period for the entire series of bullets. Use parallel writing structures for similar things. For example, use singular nouns for each top-level heading. Or, use a verb to start each item in a list.



Symptoms Include:

  • yellow skin or eyes,
  • fatigue,
  • loss of appetite,
  • upset stomach or stomach pain,
  • vomiting,
  • dark urine or light-colored stool,
  • joint pain,
  • fever, and
  • diarrhea.



Symptoms Include:

  • yellow skin or eyes
  • fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • upset stomach or stomach pain
  • vomiting
  • dark urine or light-colored stool
  • joint pain
  • fever
  • diarrhea



The report also covers sustainable innovation in product development, including the:

  • launch of PURELL® brand HEALTHY SOAP® with CLEAN RELEASE™ Technology;
  • reformulation of the top-selling GOJO® MULTI GREEN® into a green-certified heavy-duty hand cleaner, GOJO® MULTI GREEN® ECO; and
  • invention of the touch-free PURELL® ES8 Dispensing Systems.



The report also covers sustainable innovation in product development, including the:

  • Launch of PURELL® brand HEALTHY SOAP® with CLEAN RELEASE™ Technology.
  • Reformulation of the top-selling GOJO® MULTI GREEN® into a green-certified heavy-duty hand cleaner, GOJO® MULTI GREEN® ECO.
  • Invention of the touch-free PURELL® ES8 Dispensing Systems.

Numbered lists

Use a numbered list for sequential items (like a procedure) or prioritized items (like a top 10 list).



Before planning your next day at the beach or pool, remember these easy tips:

  1. Before and while preparing food, wash your hands.
  2. Food should be kept out of the sun.
  3. Serve food on clean plates.
  4. Disinfect and clean tables before and after eating.
  5. Sanitize your hands before eating.
  6. Leftovers should be refrigerated.



Before planning your next day at the beach or pool, remember these easy tips:

  1. Wash your hands before and while preparing food.
  2. Keep food out of the sun.
  3. Serve food on clean plates.
  4. Disinfect and clean tables before and after eating.
  5. Always wash or sanitize your hands before eating.
  6. Refrigerate any leftovers.

Introductory text

Make sure the purpose of the list is clear. Introduce the list with a heading, a complete sentence, or a fragment that ends with a colon.

If you introduce a list with a heading, don’t use explanatory text after the heading. Also, don’t use a colon or period after the heading.


Begin each item in a list with a capital letter.


In bulleted and numbered lists, end each line with a period if:

Any line text is a complete sentence when combined with the text introduction that precedes the colon.

Exception Don’t use periods if all items have three or fewer words or if the items are headings, subheadings, or strings.

Any bulleted or numbered line by itself is a complete sentence.

Don’t use semicolons, commas, or conjunctions (like and or or) at the end of list items.