GOJO Trademarks
Consistent and proper use of our trademarks is vital to ensure the GOJO brand standard is upheld, and that legal requirements for proper trademark use are followed. There are two commonly used trademark symbols: ™ and the letter R in a circle – ®.
The ™ symbol is used with unregistered marks: ™ for trademarks, or marks that represent goods. The federal registration symbol, or ®, is reserved for marks registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
The appropriate symbol should appear in superscript in the upper right-hand corner of a mark. In written documents – articles, press releases, promotional materials, and the like – it is only necessary to use a symbol with the first instance of the mark, or with the most prominent placement of the mark, on each page. It is a common misconception that each and every instance of the mark should bear a trademark symbol. Overuse creates visual clutter and may detract from the aesthetic appeal of the piece. Provided there is at least one conspicuous use of the ™, or ® on the face of the writing, do not be afraid to eliminate superfluous markings.
Please refer to the GOJO trademark list periodically to ensure you use the proper trademark with the correct marking (i.e. ™ or ®). Note that all trademark symbols need to be superscript in general text unless superscripts are incompatible with technology
A few important rules:
Trademarks are adjectives, not nouns. Trademarks should always be used in conjunction with a noun (e.g., PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer; HEALTHY SOAP® Products; GOJO® Scrubbing Towels). Please refer to brand guidelines for a full list of approved nouns for use with our trademarks.
Trademarks must be distinguished in print from the surrounding text. The preferred method at GOJO is ALL CAPS.
Registered trademarks (®) cannot appear next to each other (e.g. PURELL® HEALTHY SOAP® is incorrect. Proper use is PURELL® brand HEALTHY SOAP®)
When referring to GOJO corporate, use either GOJO or GOJO Industries with no trademark, for example GOJO headquarters, GOJO Executive Chair, Marcella Kanfer Rolnick.
Please refer to the GOJO Trademark List on myGOJO.com.